Thursday kicks off the month of Pride. While I am excited about celebrating my friends and family in the LGBTQIA+ community, I am also sad and angry that the reason for this month still exists, here, in 2023.  So much misunderstanding, fear, and hate. Something has to shift. 

I am hearing quite a bit these days about "performative allyship". It's not enough, I hear (and agree with) to simply plop down some Pride merch in the month of June and be done with it. Allyship means being there for the fun (drag brunch? Yes please!) but also for the times when the world feels as if it's caving in on itself and legislators across the country can't crank out anti-LGBTQIA+ legislation fast enough. 

So- you may be asking- what are you going to do this month, Ellin, to be the best damn ally you can be? I'm so glad you asked, but I'm not going to tell you just yet. I have some ideas percolating that I want to run by my mentors (you remember them, the 20-somethings who are members of the community that I am proud to call family?). I'll be sure to fill you in next time.

In the meantime, maybe you have some ideas for allies. Share them! And be sure to throw in lots of celebration time in June. This awesome community deserves to be celebrated in every way possible.

Until next time, sending lots of love, and thanks as always for being part of this community,
Ellin (she/her)




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