Happy December - cue the holidays!

This next part is all of the questions I have about how you celebrate the holidays, so if that kind of thing makes you roll your eyeballs, skip to the next part lol.

Here are my wonderings-

How do you celebrate? Do you go big? Are you a less is more kind of person?

What about food- are you traditional or do you have a more eclectic feast?

Lots of gifts? Simple gifts? Do you give stuff or experiences or handmade gifts or food?

How about movies- do you watch them? Which ones are your favorites?

Do you spend lots of time baking and decorating cookies or cakes or pies?

Do you sing holiday songs?

How do you (or do you at all?) fit Pride things in all of the holiday eating/decorating/celebrating?

Finally, what if you are feeling overwhelmed by grief or exhausted from your life? Do you find ways to let the light in, even a little bit? 

I am always amazed that I can feel competing feelings at the same time. In grief I can find little joys, in pain I can find healing, in loneliness I can find connection. It takes intention on my part to embrace these small gifts, but when I do it always brings me comfort and a little hope in a place that seemed totally dark.

I hope that during this season of all the holiday things, you find places of light and love, and joy. You are unique, wonderfully made, exquisite, and loved.

Thanks for reading. I would love to know your holiday traditions so be sure to comment.

As always thanks for being part of this community.

Until next year, with so much love and gratitude for you,

Ellin (she/her)

December 07, 2022 — Rebecca Porterfield

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