To the Festival! (Pride, that is)

To the Festival! (Pride, that is)

Pride festivals are much like other festivals, except for one thing. There is sooo much joy! I don't remember any other type of festival with so much positive energy. Yes, there are one or two grouchy grumps, and the protestors who are drowned out by choruses of "love is love", but for the most part, the Pride Festivals I've been to are filled with excitement, love, and hope.
June 06, 2023
It's almost Pride Month!

It's almost Pride Month!

Tomorrow kicks off the month of Pride. While I am excited about celebrating my friends and family in the LGBTQIA+ community, I am also sad and angry that the reason for this month still exists, here, in 2023.  So much misunderstanding, fear, and hate. Something has to shift. 
May 31, 2023
Wonderfully Unique- thoughts on the Kinsey Scale and the Klein Grid

Wonderfully Unique- thoughts on the Kinsey Scale and the Klein Grid

I am constantly amazed by what I don't know. This is one example. It makes total sense that one can be more or less Bi, right? I mean, people are all sorts of things on a continuum. I also love the idea that sexuality can be fluid and that we can "evolve and change over time". Give it a read and see what you think.

April 17, 2023
you need a 20-something mentor!

you need a 20-something mentor!

I’m always trying to keep up with my kid’s language, and they are always laughing at mine. You know what I'm talking about. It's the generational language, like, when I didn't know the real deal behind the phrase "hook you up" and they rolled their eyeballs, then kindly brought me up to speed. Or the first time they said, "that's low key" something or other and I had no clue what they meant. It's not a one-time thing, language evolves and just when I think I understand the vernacular, it totally changes. Ironically, even my kids don't get some of the slang of their younger counterparts. 
March 02, 2023

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