In Which we Consider Beyond the Pronouns and The Pride Flags

In Which we Consider Beyond the Pronouns and The Pride Flags

"Here's what I'm wondering. If you are filling out a form for whatever reason and you have the opportunity, do you indicate your gender identity or sexual orientation? I'm assuming (dangerous, I know) that if an organization includes these questions on a form that they genuinely want to know and are trying to be inclusive. Is that enough though?"
August 01, 2022
Would You Wear Your Pronouns?

Would You Wear Your Pronouns?

I’m probably making another assumption. It goes like this, “if your pronouns are not the mainstream she/her or he/him, you will want to wear them in the form of a button or necklace or some such thing so everyone will know the proper pronoun to use for you.” But would you?
May 05, 2022
The Wedding Journey Continues- A Search for Gender Neutral Shopping Experiences

The Wedding Journey Continues- A Search for Gender Neutral Shopping Experiences

Today, after continuing the search for wedding attire, I’m thinking about fitting rooms. (this will make sense in a minute, I promise.) For those of us who fit into standardized gender roles, trying on clothes is fairly straight forward. Find an outfit, go to the dressing room. Didn’t fit? Return to the area within close proximity to the dressing room or at least on the same floor to find something else. So what about our friends who don’t fit the standardized gender roles?
March 09, 2022
What About Gender Pronouns

What About Gender Pronouns

I’m going to sound old now, but it’s true that when I was growing up we had a limited number of pronouns and he/him/his was used for boys/men, and she/her/hers was used for girls/women. They/them was used for a group of people- or- used if we didn’t know which sex we were referring to.


February 22, 2022

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